Is it the color you required? Is the product over specified? At KVB, we understand that choosing the most suitable paper can be difficult. Whether you are the product’s owner or a printing house, we offer assistance in the paper selection process for the best paper or paperboard, to comply with your project requirements and budget. We can also provide print size samples to allow our customer’s final product to be evaluated on different papers.
With KVB, we can provide you with technical recommendation to achieve the best printing quality tailored to each project. We understand the procedures to stock management for assisting our customers. Therefore, KVB makes sure that the regular goods will never be out of stock. KVB’s after sales service team is always ready to assist our customer’s paper related printing problem. We make sure that our customer’s printing job will not be interrupted.
KVB offers our customers the flexibility of different sheeting sizes to suit varying project’s requirement. We can deliver sheeting sizes from twenty inches up to forty-five inches from all of our machines.
Why pay more to trim away? KVB’s signature “Ready to Print” service delivers sheets that are ready to be printed straight away without further trimming required. Just put the sheet on your printing machine and off you go!
Paperboards are very difficult to be manufactured with no defects. However, at KVB we make sure that our customers only get the perfect one. KVB’s experienced staffs were trained to detect any imperfection on the paperboard so we can guarantee you with hassle free products.
All of our delivery vehicles are equipped with GPS tracking enabling real-time tracking of our customer’s goods. Goods will always be handled with care by an experience trained staffs.